Thursday, September 20, 2007

More Responses to John Piper

I admit I am becoming a little obsessive on this topic. Nevertheless, the article John Piper wrote soon after the collapse of the 35W bridge in Minneapolis has generated a lot of discussion.

Weighing in this time is Ben Witherington III. Here is a sampling of his critique:

John Piper on his website of course recently had a post about the disastrous collapse of the bridge over the Mississippi in Minneapolis. His view was that however random it might seem to us, that actually this was the will of God, and in essence we should just suck it up. God is sovereign and he disposes things as he will, and according to his sovereign pre-ordained plan. If you just happened to be on the raw end of the deal, so much the worse for you. Since all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, actually God has a right to judge the whole world now, if he so chooses. The fact that he spared some shows God's mercy, according to Piper, but he was under no obligation to spare anyone. 'There but for the grace of God go I", so to speak. This doesn't sound much like an attempt to mourn with those who are mourning. It is interesting that Senator Chambers and Rev. Piper would seem to agree on the source of this sort of mayhem.

Click here to read his entire response. It really is quite worth it. To put it briefly, I find his theodicy to be lacking in numerous ways. Perhaps I can elaborate on some of them tomorrow, if I have time.Until then, thoughts?

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