Thursday, May 13, 2010

The God of Pleasure

A stunning sunset. Majestic snow-capped mountains. The smell of rain freshly fallen. The embrace of a lover. It is not hard to notice we as humans revel in moments of pleasure. As soon as one pursuit dies down, we eagerly look forward to the next moment of pleasure. We are by nature pleasure seekers.

It may surprise you, but the Bible does not denounce pleasure. In fact, it celebrates it. Everything that we see around us was created by God and was blessed as being “good.” Sadly, we as humans have taken these good things (such as beauty, music, education, and sex) and twisted and distorted them. They easily become what we ultimately live for and are ten fingers and ten toes committed.

By not realizing that a great creation points to a greater Creator, we have ironically become discontent in creation itself. Like trying to squeeze water from a rock, we try to be ultimately satisfied in athletics, parenting, academics, job success, or sex.

The problem in all of this is not that we are seeking pleasure, but that we are, as C.S. Lewis once said, “far too easily pleased.” God has graciously placed wonderful pleasures all around us as cosmic Post-it notes to remind us that the ultimate pleasure is himself. Everything around us is meant to tell us of the greatness of God. Pleasure is meant to bring us to God.

So, eat a juicy steak today. Enjoy the sounds of chirping birds. Laugh and play with your children. And in the midst of it all, remember that those enjoyments are but dim echoes of how satisfying is Jesus Christ (Ps. 16:11).

1 comment:

Ched said...

This is a good word.

"Those enjoyments are but dim echoes of how satisfying is Jesus Christ"
