Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Burk's surrejoinder to Boyd

When Pastor Greg Boyd posted his reply as to how the book of Job corresponds with his understanding of God's sovereignty, he was particularly responded to Denny Burk. In his blog, Burk asserted that Boyd's theology directly contradicts the teaching of Job. As you can read in my previous blog entry, Boyd responded in a lengthy fashion to Burk's accusations. In likewise fashion, Burk has offered a detailed surrejoinder, listing faults in many of Boyd's conclusions.

Burk begins:
Last month, I wrote a short blog post on the collapse of the I-35 bridge. In it, I took issue with Boyd’s open theist view of how God relates to calamities, and I did so using the book of Job as a case study. I recently found out that Boyd has a lengthy response to what I wrote in which he refutes my interpretation of Job, “The 35W Bridge Collapse and the Book of Job.”

I believe that Boyd’s reading of Job has serious problems. I will respond to each of his points in turn.

Click here to read Burk's critique.

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